FAQ: Gamechanger Cheese Sauce
Jill McKeeverQ: Can it be frozen?
A: Yes. Gamechanger Cheese Sauce keeps very well for up to three months in the freezer. Store in an air-tight container that is microwave-safe for defrosting later.
Q: How do I reheat frozen
A: With a microwave, use the defrost function to bring up the heat with a low power setting. Time varies based on the amount of sauce. Go low and slow. Stop and stir, then return to low and slow heating.
If you want to reheat the sauce on the stove-top, start by thoroughly thawing the sauce in the fridge or leave it out on the counter for an hour or two. Just make sure it's 80% thawed and you don't have a block of ice-cheese to contend with. Next, use a saucepan over low heat to warm up the cheese sauce. Don't get in a hurry, unless you want to clean scorched cheese off the bottom of a pan later.
If the cold sauce is thicker than you need it to be, add water a few tablespoons at a time. Keep in mind, the sauce will thicken as it cools. So if you add a tad too much water, you'll be okay.